Quick and Easy Bed Valance
I have had my bed base for years. Instead of buying a new bed, I just buy a new mattress and change the cover on the bed base to match the new room scheme. Simple! and cheap.......
So this is the last cover in Sanderson's Blossom Tree fabric which I also used on a feature wall and on the blinds in the room, in fact, this was a remnant from the blind fabric. Remember if you are using a patterned fabric, make sure you match up the pattern on your fabric strip. stylelibrary.com

So once you have chosen your fabric for the new valance, you need 3 or 4 long strips, so measure from the top to bottom of the bed base and add on some for tucking under or for a hem, I usually add on 5cm top and bottom. The valance above was tucked under and stapled into place top and bottom.
You don't need that much fabric either, especially if there isn't a pattern repeat. Then pin, tack, then machine the strips together to get one long piece.

Once you have one long strip, start to attach to the bed - its best if someone helps you to keep it taut and so one person can hold it while the other one staples. You can see what I mean by one long strip here.

I obviously put on a calico cover to disguise the lovely brown diamond pattern at some point, it almost looks professional! Then staple it on all the way around. Don't worry about finishing off the fabric if you don't want to, no-one is going to see it!

I tend to widely space out the staples to begin with then fill in with more once I am happy with it. Just got up? Me? What makes you think that? As you can see its not a big room, so this is a good solution.

Ta-dah! The finished bed valance in graphite canvas from The Cloth House, nicely set off by a T K Maxx throw and with my lovely new Brintons Bell Twist carpet.
cloth house.com tkmaxx.com brintons.co.uk